
MERCY is a small but committed Christian organization staffed mostly by missionaries and volunteers. We are making inroads into the lives of the poor in Pattaya, but we need to partner with those, like yourselves, who also want to bring the hope of a new life and a real future for those less blessed in our society.

We develop projects to help provide educational, moral, life skills and vocational training for poor children and the destitute.  MERCY undertake strategic projects among the poor to help bring about community transformation in Pattaya.  Fulfill God’s commands to show mercy as stated in Matthew 25:35-40 and James 1:27:

  •  Provide food / water for the hungry & thirsty
  •  Clothe the naked
  •  Visit and care for widows and orphans
  •  Care for the stranger
  •  Visit the sick
  •  Visit those in prison


  •  Conduct a survey, plus prepare and maintain a report showing areas of practical needs, current community services PLUS gaps in service, with a recommended ‘prioritized action plan’.
  •  Network within the Thai and international communities to access critical resources to help meet the practical and financial needs of the various Mercy projects.
  •  Network with other welfare, social, educational organizations with similar purposes to share information, to make the best use of available resources and to avoid duplication of services.
  • Provide opportunities for Thai and international people to work together in various projects, promoting friendship, partnership, unity and facilitating access to greater resources in order to meet the practical needs of various projects.

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